What is Electro-Polished?

What is Electro-Polished?

Electro-Polished (EP) is a process in which metal is removed from a product.  This is done with the passage of an electric current while the product is submerged into a specially blended chemical solution. This process removes the surface imperfections, such as impurities, burrs and other defects, allowing the benefits for ultra-cleaning, micro-finishing and corresion protection environments. 

Yamada's EP Series pumps are specifically designed for transferring ultra high-purity solvents and other non-corrosive liquids compatible with 316 Stainless Steel.

Pumps include 20Ra Electro Polished 316 Stainless Steel wetted components, PTFE elastomers and FNPT liquid ports.





Port Sizes

1/2", 3/4", and 1" FNPT

Maximum Flow Rate

 35 GPM

Operating Range

 20 to 100 PSI

Optional Swagelok®, VCR®, Sanitary Clamp, Tube or ANSI Flange Connections

Optional clean room flush & bagging available



Isopropyl Alcohol


Methyl Ethyl Ketone


And Many More...

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